we’ve all either had it or know someonewho has, the rash, the fever the itching so what is chickenpox? chicken pox also knownas varicella is a disease that is caused by the varicella zoster virus. chickenpox isan airborne disease and it is able to spread through coughs and sneezes. so an effectivemethod to prevent its spread is to catch it, bin it, kill it. but if you are exposed tothe infection then you will likely begin to
shingles contagious, show symptoms about 8 to 21 days later.some of the initial symptoms of chicken pox are, feeling unwell, having a fever, lossof appetite and possibly a headache. it’s not until a few days after the first symptomsdoes the patient begin to develop a rash, this rash is usually very itchy and tend todevelop on the head and face first which then
spreads to the chest and the limbs and insome cases people may develop rashes inside their mouths and throat too. the rash maydevelop into blisters which contain pus. the blisters then crust over in about 7 days.generally, when chicken pox occurs in children it is considered a mild illness.however, if a child has chickenpox they will likely still feel very bad while they areinfected. there isn’t a specific treatment for chickenpox, however there are medicationsthat can be used to help alleviate some of the symptoms. some of these are paracetamolto help relieve the fever and calamine lotion to stop itching. it is also very importantfor the child to stay hydrated and things such as sugar free ice lollies are a goodway to help the child get fluids and to help
soothe a sore throat. in most cases chickenpoxin children gets better on its own after about a week.however, in some cases it can become severe and a child with chickenpox should alwaysbe taken to the doctor if the blisters become infected or they have any pain in their chestand difficulty breathing this is because the most common and dangerous complication ofchickenpox is pneumonitis which is an inflammation of lung tissue, chicken pox is worse in adults,pregnant women, new born babies and people who have weakened immune systems as a resultof things like hiv, click here to see a previous video about hiv/aids. it is important to knowthat if a child is suspected to have chicken pox then, aspirin should never be given asthis can lead to a devastating condition known
as reye’s syndrome.once a person has had chicken pox it is unlikely they will get it again, as the body now remembershow to fight it off. however, the virus remains in the body and lies dormant in the nervecells. the immune system is able to keep the virus at bay, however if the immune systembecomes weakened then the virus can reactivate again leading to shingles. producing severelypainful blisters in a particular part of the body. it is possible to transmit chickenpoxfrom shingles but you cannot transfer shingles. thank you for watching today's video if you,have any questions please leave them in the comments section below and don't forget tosubscribe to get more videos, i hope you have a great day
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