camping activites have been experiencing asurge in popularity in korea, but leaving the comfort of home can be difficult for some. a new vacation trend of caravan camping attemptsto combine the best of both worlds. our paul yi shows us how koreans are discoveringthe great outdoors in style. with the advancing spring-like weather bringingback milder temperatures, many families are

car rental sydney review, taking the weekend off to go camping. this campground in gapyeong county is packedwith cars and tents, but camping equipment is a cumbersome and often costly investmentfor most korean households. "all together with the tent, it cost aroundthree million won, or about 27-hundred u.s.
dollars. but being outdoors with the family and havinga fun time seemed like the better choice." in order to attract new tourists, rental caravanssites have been cropping up on the east coast. it's fast becoming one of the most popularvacation getaways with air conditioning and warm, cozy beds. "it's our first time using a camping car. we came to give our kids a great experienceand it's been so comfortable. it's like you just moved your house here." it's also a family activity that won't breakthe bank.
new caravan rentals cost around 200 to 300thousand won, or an average of 230 u.s. dollars per day. "to popularize a new camping culture, we introducedhigh-end camping cars. it's doing well now." there are currently around 3-hundred-ninetyof these recreational vehicles, or rv campgrounds across the country, with 80 of them in gangwonprovince alone. it's also attracting the attention of localofficials who see it as a boost to the regional economy. "there are many large campgrounds in gangwonprovince. these rental campsites have been establishedto provide a camping experience which many
campers can discover. camping culture is becoming one of the fastestgrowing activities for the country's leisure industry. one that's gotten ever-more inviting. paul yi, arirang news